Fake Glasses – The Latest Fashion Trend


Many of us often confuse fashion with style, especially when it comes to wearing fake glasses. To some extent it can be said that fake eyeglasses have emerged as a fad in the last decade or so. However, as the fashion industry grows and people are becoming more fashionable, many fakes are also appearing in the market, which makes fashion statements all the more. It is true that the trend may be started from very stylish frames, but soon it takes on a life of its own, and people find themselves copying the trends set by others, with wild abandon. So how can you tell if you are wearing a fake eyewear or if you are following the latest trend?

There are a number of ways to tell the difference between fake glasses and real ones, but the best way is to know what the fakes look like. The most obvious fake glasses are the replicas of Prada sunglasses. These are usually made of fiberglass or laminated plastic and are colored to resemble real Prada sunglasses. Although these are very cheap fakes, you will not be able to tell that they are fakes unless you buy them in a mall. Even then, you would only be able to make out if they are fake or real by taking them for a test drive.

Real Prada sunglasses can also be easily identified because of the way they are crafted and designed. Usually the sides of the sunglasses are laminated, with textured patterns printed on both sides. Another way of telling if a pair of fakes is a fake is by taking them for a test drive – flip them over and hold them up to your eye, if they wobble or rock back and forth, they are fake. However, even if they are not real, the new Prada sunglasses trend is still popular, and sunglasses manufacturers are releasing fakes to keep up with the new look.
